4teen Aroace he/him

Cat person
Likes : drawing, music, my friends reading, rain, bats
Before you interact ! : I do not text first i rarely do, I don’t wanna be treated like a child all the time, I have health issues, also if I don’t reply it doesn’t mean I’m ignoring you I’m just busy
basic DNI ! : racist people Paedophiles, zoophiles, proshippers, people who believe in blackwashing homophonics - transphonics

Mbti : ENXP - T
Note : I’m busy most of the time
Shows : toh, South Park, yuri on the ice, jujutsu kaisen, bongo stary dogs, the case study of vanitas, sk8. games ! : genshin, crk, yandere simulator, doki doki literature club twisted wonderland, FNAF and I really like watching videos about scp and creepypastas